In the era of internet, there are lots of options available that lets you download Bluestacks 5 and install your favorite apps and games on your computer. For all those who love using apps and playing games on a screen that is large and gives you the feel of enjoyment and comfort, Android emulators are the solution to your requirements. In fact, if you hover your mouse cursor over this symbol, you can even tell if the gamepad is currently connected and recognized by BlueStacks.Wondering what is Bluestacks 5? Ever heard of Android Emulators? To know Bluestacks 5, first, you need to understand what an Android Emulator is. You can tell whether or not a game is compatible by the small gamepad symbol below the game’s icon on the home screen. If you configure it correctly, your gamepad should get picked up by BlueStacks without an issue-We’re using a PS4 gamepad in our setup with no problems at all! Finding Compatible GamesĪside from the titles we mentioned above such as Black Desert Mobile and Bombastic Brothers, there are several other titles that offer gamepad support and come with predefined control schemes for your convenience. If you have another type of gamepad, however, you might need to download additional software to emulate an Xbox controller and run it before launching BlueStacks. If successful, you should get a notification on the lower right corner indicating that the gamepad is connected. In order to connect a native controller with BlueStacks, all you have to do is plug it into a USB port while you’re on the home screen. In this article, we will explain how to go about setting up your gamepad for BlueStacks. Imagine instead of sitting on your desk, you could hook your PC to your big TV in the living room, and connect your gamepad wirelessly to play these games as you would on a console. With the right setup, playing with a controller can completely revolutionize the way you experience your favorite mobile games. Speaking of which, did you know that there are several games that are 100% compatible with gamepads on BlueStacks? That’s right, instead of playing games like Azur Lane, Bombastic Brothers, or the popular Black Desert Mobile with mouse and keyboard, you could be enjoying them with a comfy gamepad. However, while adding shortcuts to your screen so you can effectively control every aspect of your game with your mouse and keyboard is amazing in its own right, you really can’t beat the comfort of playing on a gamepad. The Keymapping Tool, Macro Recorder, and Multi Instance are just a few of these features.